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대장암(결장암 및 직장암): 단일공수술, 로봇 및 복강경수술,복막전이 대장암수술(복강 내 온열 항암요법), 재발 대장암수술, 경항문 복강경수술


월, 화, 수, 목, 금, 토

부산대학교 의과대학 의학사

부산대학교 의학박사


부산대학교병원 인턴, 외과 전공의

부산대학교 병원 외과 전임의사, 전임강사

인제대학교 부산백병원 대장항문외과 전임강사, 조교수

인제대학교 해운대백병원 대장항문외과 분과장 및 부교수,교수

미국 뉴저지 Hackensack University 로봇수술 연수

인제대학교 해운대백병원 대장암센터장

인제대학교 해운대백병원 외과과장


대장항문외과 분과전문의

대장항문학회 이사

대장항문학회 평생회원

대한외과학회 논문 심사 위원

대한대장항문학회 논문 심사 위원

"연세 세브란스 다빈치 라이브"

로봇 국제 심포지움 초청 연자 (2011.8)


Ku DH, Kim HS, Shin JY.Short-term and medium-term outcomes of low midline and low transverse incisions in laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery. Ann Coloproctol 2020;36:304-310.

Shin JY. Dual-port vs Single-port laparoscopic colectomy for colon cancer. Eur Surg 2017;49:228-235

Jung WB, Shin JY. The short-term outcome and safety of laparoscopic colorectal cancer resection in very elderly patients. Korean J Gastroenterol 2017;69:291-297

Oh SJ, Shin JY. Effectiveness of minimal bowel preparation with oral bisacodyl before laparoscopic radical proctectomy. Int Surg 2017;102:2-9

Shin JY. Right lower transverse incision versus vertical transumbilical incision for laparoscopic specimen extraction in patients with left-sided colorectal cancer. World J Surg Oncol. 2016 Oct 26;14(1):274.

Shin DW, Shin JY, Oh SJ, et al. Prognostic Value of Circumferential Resection Margin Involvement in Patients with Extraperitoneal Rectal Cancer. Am Surg. 2016 Apr;82(4):348-55.

Yu H, Shin JY. Short-term outcomes following reduced-port, single-port, and multi-port laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer: tailored laparoscopic approaches based on tumor size and nodal status. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2016 Jan;31(1):115-22.

Park JS, Kim NK, Kim SH, Lee KY, Lee KY, Shin JY, Kim CN, Choi GS; Korean Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Study Group. Multicentre study of robotic intersphincteric resection for low rectal cancer. Br J Surg. 2015 Nov;102(12):1567-73.

Myong JP, Shin JY, Kim SJ. Factors associated with participation in colorectal cancer screening in Korea: the Fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES IV). Int J Colorectal Dis. 2012 Aug;27(8):1061

Shin JY.Comparison of Short-term Surgical Outcomes between a Robotic Colectomy and a Laparoscopic Colectomy during Early Experience. Ann Coloproctol. 2012 Feb;28(1):19-26

Oh SJ, Shin JY. Risk factors of circumferential resection margin involvement in the patients with extraperitoneal rectal cancer.J Korean Surg Soc. 2012 Mar;82(3):165-71.

Shin JY. Risk factors of early postoperative small bowel obstruction following a proctectomy for rectal cancer.Ann Coloproctol. 2011 Dec;27(6):315-21

Shin JY, Hong KH. Prognostic Significance of Lymph Node Ratio in Stage III Rectal Cancer. Ann Coloproctol. 2011 Oct;27(5):252-9

Shin JY, Hong KH. Risk factors for early postoperative small-bowel obstruction after colectomy in colorectal cancer.World J Surg. 2008 Oct;32(10):2287-92

Son YG, Shin JY, Hong KH. Prognostic analysis according to N stage and circumferential resection margin in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer. Ann Coloproctol 2010:36:217-224.

Lee KY, Shin JY,Hong KH. Oncologic impact of extracapsular invasion of nodal metastasis in stage III rectal cancer.Ann Coloproctol 2009;25:186-192

Nam JS, Shin JY, Hong KH. Clinical significance of serum CEA level at diagnosis of liver metastasis in colorectal cancer patients.Ann Coloproctol 2008;24:439-446

Joo IH, Shin JY, Hong KH. Prognostic significance of the circumferential resection margin in invasive T3 rectal cancer. Ann Coloproctol 2008;24:278-286

Kim KH, Shin JY, Hong KH. Loop colostomy with not everted fashion for recatl cancer. Ann Coloproctol 2007; 23:28-33

Lee NJ, Shin JY,Hong KH. Clinical significance of lateral resection margin involvement for colon cancer. Ann Coloproctol 2006;22:322-329

Park YH, Cho YH, Shin JY, Oh NG. A subtotally divided end-loop colostomy for unresectable rectal cancer. Ann Coloproctol 2006;22:29-33

Kim KH, Shin JY, Hong KH. Oncologic results according to operative method after a curative resection for low rectal cancer. Ann Coloproctol 2005;21:233-240

Shin JY, Hong KH, Oh NG. Regional distribution of peptide YY concentrations in human lower gastrointestinal mucosa Ann Coloproctol 2005;21:65-70

Park JH, Shin JY, Hong KH. Primary cecal lymphoma. Ann Coloproctol 2004;20:283-288

Shin JY, Cho YH, Kim HY, Oh NG. Anterior Extrasphincteric Anorectoplasty with an Illuminating Intrarectal Indicator for Repair of an Anorectal Malformation. Ann Coloproctol 2004;20:80-85

Kim DH, Shin JY, Sim MS. Experimental Study of Mechanism about Liver Regeneration Using Non-regenerating Liver Transplantation Model in Rats. Ann hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surg 2004;8:13-19

Shin JY, Kim DH, Sim MS. The Recurrence Pattern of Small Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Tumor-free Margin. Ann hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surg 2003;7:49-54.

Shin JY, Oh NG. Posterior Sagittal Anorectal Myectomy for Repair of Hirschsprung’s Disease. Ann Coloproctol 1998;14:577-583

Shin JY, Kim HY, Sim MS. A Clinical Analysis of Gallstone Pancreatitis. Ann hepato-biliary-pancreatic Surg 1998;2:157-164